Jordan Sne
Software Developer

About Me

Hello! I'm a software developer that loves to work with all things tech - be it software, hardware, management or administration. Much of my software related experience lies with JavaScript, however I've also worked with Java, C++ and Python. Full stack JavaScript development is one of my greater interests, where I specialize in React and Node.js based apps. I plan on graduating at Western University with a Specialization in Computer Science & a Minor in Software Engineering. I pride myself on developing software that's efficient, easy to understand & use, and well-written. I've gained my experience through a combination of personal projects, school projects & various hackathons.



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React


  • Node.j
  • Express


  • Java
  • C++
  • Python


  • OOP
  • Unit/Integration Testing

Dev. Tools

  • Git
  • *nix Shell


Personal Projects

NTwitBot -- Twitter Ebooks Bot

NTwitBot is a Twitter ebooks bot written in Node.js. It was developed with the idea of being easy to set up and use. I started this project to familiarize myself with JavaScript and the basic use of REST APIs. Recently, I've begun to dive into unit & integration testing, which I've found very helpful in writing cleaner code.

Personal Website -- My Personal Showcase

This website has been developed by me from scratch using only a bit of jQuery and font-awesome icons to showcase my past, present & future projects.

JNoDrops -- Bukkit Plugin

This was my first open source project that was written in Java. It is a simple bukkit plugin to allow server administrators to regulate item dropping.

Univeristy Projects

Sport Manager -- Third Year Databases Assignment

Sport Manager is a web app that allows a user to manage a database for a sports league. It uses the PERN stack (Postgres, Express, React, Node) to provide a single page interface to manage team, game and official information, as well as displaying a few extra stats for The Maple Leafs (as assignment was originally mocking the NHL). It was developed according to the assignment specifications. See the my Github (link above) for some demonstrations.

Wt Address Book Generator -- Third Year OOP Assignment

Wt Address Book Generator is a simple web server written in C++ & Wt. It uses fundamental object oriented design principles to provide a frontend UI and a couple of REST API endpoints. It allowed me to experiment with server side rendering for the first time.

EmptyMyFridge -- Second Year Software Eng. Group Project

EmptyMyFridge is a recipe discovery website that allows a user to input all the ingredients they have available to them and then outputted is a list of recipes that incoperate those ingredients. With heavy integration of Firebase web services to provide a database and user authentication, our group developed a Grails backend to utilize Spoonacular's Recipe API for recipe searching. The majority of our app was developed in the frontend, where the React view library was used to provide a single page interactive web app.

Contact Me

Getting in contact with me is best acheived through email .